Tuesday, June 3, 2008

weight lifting!

While Scott and I were dating, I started growing my hair out so that I could put it up nicely for our wedding. Then, a little over 6 years ago, my hair was at my shoulders. I kept growing it, not sure why, after we got married. After a couple years it got to be really long, and I got tired of it. I cut it and donated it to locks of love. That was two and a half years ago. Since then, my hair has grown back. And become just as long as before.
After lots of growing, hours of shampooing, and an even longer amount of time blow drying, I decided that I was going to donate my hair again. After all it is really hot here in Texas, already! So this morning, it happened. After a couple months of saying that I was going to do it, I finally did it. I finally cut 12 inches off my hair.

I don't think my hair has been this short since elementary school. It was short last time it was donated but not this short. Most likely because I got it styled after we chopped it off.
Here's to having a ton of weight lifted, freedom, and not having to spend 30 minutes blow drying my hair everyday this summer.


becky said...

Ginger, your hair looks great! You had the hair they like - no layers, no chemicals, no frizz. good hair growing effort there!
looking forward to your visit this summer. love you guys!

Anonymous said...

Way to go!!! You know we love that donating thing!!Hope you're having fun at camp. The Astros won-sorry you missed it!