Friday, June 27, 2008

Camp Barnabas Texas

Three weeks ago, June 7-12th, I had an opportunity to work at Camp Barnabas. Camp Barnabas is a camp specifically for kids with special needs. They come to camp and have counselors who work with them one on one. I was a counselor for a girl named Nicole.
Nicole had CP, Cerebral Palsy. In the picture above Nicole and I are going on a hayride. The campers are split into cabins, just like any other camp, with counselors and cabin leaders. Our cabin had 4 teenage girls, all with different disabilities and different levels of functioning. From left to right: bottom row, Nicole, Lindsay, Heather, top row, me, Lindsay's counselor, Kelly a jr. counselor, Catherine a counselor for Heather, Joni and her counselor Stephanie.

During the week, as a cabin we get to experience many different activities. Fishing, Archery, Canoeing, Sensory(playing with play-doh, shaving cream, etc.), swimming, Arts and Crafts, Horseback Riding, and many other things.

That's Josh, the boy I watch, riding a horse! They also have fun events every night for the campers. A dance, a carnival, a scavenger hunt, Messy Games and worship. The first night we had a carnival, including a hayride where Nicole and I took the first picture. Nicole was great. She kept me laughing, thinking and definetly on my toes. She laughed at me quite a bit too.

Especially during messy games when she put cool whip all over my face. Also added to my lovely outfit that night was oatmeal, chocolate syrup, strawberry syrup, smashed cheetos, soggy marshmallows, and dirt! Really hilarious?! Camp Barnabas was a blast! A great opportunity to serve and be blessed. And to see some teenagers from our church be stretched out of their comfort zones, but continue to give 100% while being Christ to their camper! I can't wait until next year!